Etos, first heard when it's spoken directly into my mind as 'etos kerja'. Yes, etos is always by side with the word 'kerja' becomes a famous phrase in Bahasa that I knew at that time. I didn't know , when people were wondering 'what is etos?' - Even the sounds are reps. I was only interested in his beastudi said. 'What's in a name?' So the words of the poet.
For a moment, remembering the days of new-to- know- about Beastudi Etos, before, finally, eventually also attached etoser be my pre-undergraduate degree. One point five years -more or less- of the title is indeed undeniable I'm pride and believe that many seeds of that pride came up accompanied by the title 'etoser'. Since becoming etoser , new-to-know-'s come back, but not new-to-know- about the etos of an earlier due to the question 'what is etos?' Has been answered clearly. Now, I know about the organization, self-reliance, entrepreneurship, living at dormintory, committees, grinding capability, and an important social role in the world community.
This pride arises not because the title itself but what I can hold the title for it. If I see around, as if not much I got from being an etoser. But, if I take a look at the back, I've experienced many experiences that I couldn't get from any organization else, about spiritual & social experience. Not only that, the new family -etoser other, builder, region coordinator, Central Etos at Bumi Pengembangan Insani Bogor, and all of my etOs family that spread out in this country- togetherness life coaching program made in conjunction with the soft skills and hard skills honed directed .
Pride becaming etoser is to be unseparated with a sense of pride for the institution that be my shelter only because I think there are many institutions that care for other objects like me. I hope, this pride is not just a sense of pride that'll be lost by the time. However, followed by self- effort to be more productive in personal physical and spiritual even further to be useful to the environment around me where I live . Aamiin.
And final words of this my writing -for my lovely Beastudi Etos Bandung Dompet Dhuafa Family- are,
"'Cause we are, forever, one. 'Cause we are, forever, family."
Together to be better, more than excellent!
-Kido, Etoser Bandung 2009