Assalamualaikum, Gan :D
Once upon a time I see
the light coming from the sky into my heart. I know it was your sight. Once
upon a time I hear a sound greeting to my heart over a mount’. I know it was
your drone.
And I want to know
myself. I want to know my brave. How can I reach my dream, how much I use my
Once upon a time I
feel the the love coloring all the parts along my life. I know it was so fine.
Once upon a time I say, “You’re right!” believing a bright coming from God. I
know it was my life.
And I’m in luck to
have you. I’m in luck to see you. You tell me how to be good. You saw what is
the truth.
Once upon a time with
you, Etos Rangers :D
-Kido, Once Upon A Time With You-
Gengs, itu baru intro lho. Haha. Sekarang kita mulai. Bekicot...
Berawal dari TEMU ETOS NASIONAL 2010 Bogor-Depok-Jakarta,
berakhir jadi ETOS RANGERS NUSANTARA 2009
Padang-Jakarta-Bandung-Semarang-Surabaya-Makassar. Berjumlah delapan orang,
inilah para personil Etos Rangers yang begitu inspiratif dan apresiatif. Bekicot...
But, before I start
mentioning one by one of the eight of Etos Rangers, Abdi gaduh sababaraha aturan
sateuacan ngajomantarakeun hiji hijina teh. Nyatana, teu kenging more than sapuluh kecap dina netelakeun
saurang-saurangna teh nya. Pami more than
excellent mah wios. That’s it,
- - Iis Casmiati (Casmi), Institut Teknologi Bandung
Her struggling was
undoubtedly great! Salirana alit, perhatosanna badag pisan.
- - Novi Aulia Hikmawati (Aulia Sinaro), Universitas
Andalas [49]
Her analyzing was
sophisticatedly sharp! Anjeunna sae, sanajan acan pendak*.
- - Alinda (Alin), Universitas Hasanudin [51]
Her standing-alone was
exicitedly inspiring! Gampil nyarios, teges, layeutan kasasaha
- - Khoirun
Nikmah (Nikmah), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November [50]
Her sounding was
islamicly pasify! Soal ngahargaan mah nomer hiji.
- - Muhammad Ulfi Bahari, Institut Teknologi Bandung
His thought was
accurately balance! Salirana badag, perhatosanna oge badag.
- - M. Khoiruddin Rajulaini (Raju), Universitas Diponegoro [57]
His voice was greatly
beautiful! Calakan tur sae pamolah-basa.
- - Abdul Karim (Karim), Universitas Indonesia [50]
His greeting was smily
friendly! Layeutan basa, alit, oge calakan.
- - Kiki (Kido), Institut Teknologi Bandung [63]
His dreams was really happen!
Nyeni, resep tahu, sologoto saalit.
Anggota Ranger (dari kiri) atas: Aulia, Iis, Kiki, Karim (dari kiri) bawah: Nikmah, Ulfi, Raju, Alinda
Indahnya jalinan tali silturahim persaudaraan ini semoga
hingga ke Surga kelak. Mari landaskan pertalian ini karena Allah S.W.T. Hingga
kita bisa saling mengisi, memahami, dan menasehati dalam kebaikan dan
“Sebaik-baik teman adalah yang kala mengingatnya,
mengingatkan kita kepada-Nya.”
Alhamdulillaah, panginten sakitu bae. Punten teu tiasa
seueur cumarios oge sae-sae basa pakait nyaritakeun maranehna. Maybe and of course, at the other time I
will continue telling about all my greatest friend above. Hopefully I meet them
at the right moment completely, closely, atmosphericly covered by togetherness.
Mugiya Allah maparin kasaean ka urang sadaya. Salawasna aya dina kawilujengan, salawasna ditangtayunan ku Allah. Aamiin.
Peace be upon you,
Gengs :D